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After a surprisingly active 2017, the Federal Election Commission’s enforcement efforts have slowed noticeably in the early months of 2018. In February, former Commission Lee Goodman’s departure from the agency left the Commission with only four members. While the remaining Commissioners can still form a quorum, unanimity is required for all official agency action. Perhaps unsurprisingly, then, the Commission’s enforcement activities have declined during the first half of 2018. Still, while it may be tempting to conclude that the FEC has gone entirely idle, the Commission has pursued a number of recent cases that point to continued areas of enforcement risk. In a newly published client alert, Covington provides an overview of recent FEC enforcement trends and identifies areas of active enforcement at the four-member Commission.
Photo of Robert Lenhard Robert Lenhard

Robert Lenhard has helped guide decision makers in corporations, trade associations, and advocacy groups on complying with the laws regulating political activity for over 20 years. As a senior member of the firm’s Election and Political Law Practice Group, he provides compliance advice…

Robert Lenhard has helped guide decision makers in corporations, trade associations, and advocacy groups on complying with the laws regulating political activity for over 20 years. As a senior member of the firm’s Election and Political Law Practice Group, he provides compliance advice relating to federal and state campaign finance, lobbying, pay-to-play, and government ethics laws. As an advocate, counselor, and regulator, Mr. Lenhard brings a depth of experience on matters that involve legal as well as political risk.

Bob led Covington’s representation of the Biden for President campaign, the Super PAC supporting President Obama’s re-election, as well as several prominent professional sports leagues, pharmaceutical manufacturers, technology companies, advocacy groups, and trade associations.

Prior to joining the firm in 2008, Mr. Lenhard served as Chairman of the Federal Election Commission (FEC) in 2007 and Vice Chairman of the agency in 2006, during which time the agency handled over 10 major rulemakings, had among its most productive years in enforcement and audit, and adopted several reforms to the enforcement process. Mr. Lenhard also led the Presidential Transition Team that reviewed the FEC for the incoming Obama administration in 2008-2009.

Mr. Lenhard is frequently quoted in the press, has lectured at major law schools, and Before his service to the FEC, Mr. Lenhard provided legal advice to labor organizations active in the political process at the federal, state, and local levels. Mr. Lenhard also was involved in litigation in the Florida trial and appellate courts over the counting of absentee ballots in Seminole County, Florida in 2000.

Robert Lenhard is a member of the firm’s Election and Political Law Practice Group and advises corporations, trade associations, not-for-profit organizations, and high-net-worth individuals on compliance with federal and state campaign finance, lobbying, and government ethics laws.

Mr. Lenhard routinely assists clients in establishing and operating federal and state PACs, compliance programs associated with campaign finance and pay-to-play laws; advises advocacy groups and their donors; conducts compliance trainings and audits of federal and state lobbying and political programs; and counsels clients on compliance with congressional gift and travel rules. According to Chambers, sources report: “He is strategic and always sees the big picture. He is a great person who provides excellent non-legal counsel as well.”

Photo of Perrin Cooke Perrin Cooke

Perrin Cooke is special counsel in the firm’s Washington, DC office and a member of the White Collar Defense and Investigations, Election and Political Law, and Public Policy Practice Groups, with a focus on assisting clients responding to high-profile congressional investigations.

Drawing on…

Perrin Cooke is special counsel in the firm’s Washington, DC office and a member of the White Collar Defense and Investigations, Election and Political Law, and Public Policy Practice Groups, with a focus on assisting clients responding to high-profile congressional investigations.

Drawing on his experience in government, Perrin advises clients on matters presenting significant legal, political, and reputational risks. As a senior lawyer in the Biden Administration, Perrin served as the lead counsel on oversight matters across two cabinet agencies. Among other high-profile matters, he guided the development of strategic responses to congressional requests and subpoenas touching on a range of topics. Through his work in both government and private practice, Perrin has extensive experience preparing witnesses appearing in briefings, transcribed interviews, and hearings before congressional oversight committees.

In addition to his investigations practice, Perrin advises clients – including political campaigns, advocacy organizations, trade associations, and corporations – on a wide variety of election and political law compliance matters.