On 4 September 2019, the U.S. Department of State (“DoS”) published draft ‘Guidance for the Export of Hardware, Software and Technology with Surveillance Capabilities and/or Parts/Know-How’ (the “Guidance”). The DoS invited public comment on the draft Guidance until 4 October 2019, after which they will publish finalised guidance.

Goal: Preventing Human Rights Abuse

While noting the vast potential economic, defence and societal contributions of technological development, the text acknowledges that, in the hands of government, or government-aligned authorities, relevant technology can lead to potential and actual adverse human rights impacts, for example, advanced surveillance technologies can be used to adversely impact the rights to privacy, freedom of expression, religion and belief, and association and peaceful assembly.

The Guidance is intended to assist relevant companies with the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (“UNGPs”) in order to mitigate potential human rights risks associated with the export of technology.

Scope: Exporters of Items with Surveillance Capabilities

The Guidance broadly applies to U.S. exporters (“Exporters”) of hardware, software and other technologies which have surveillance capabilities (“Items”). The Guidance will not be, and is not intended to be, comprehensive or mandatory. Rather, it provides “considerations to weigh prior to exporting”, best practices for Exporters, and actions they might take to mitigate the risk that their Items will be linked to adverse human rights impacts.

It is unclear to what extent, if any, that this Guidance will be incorporated into the regulatory or licensing process.

Target: Items with Surveillance Capabilities

The Guidance includes a non-exclusive list of examples of Items, covering both obvious “surveillance” technology (e.g. spyware, location tracking products, facial recognition technology, cameras and drones) as well as technology with more peripheral surveillance capabilities (e.g. social media analytics software, rapid DNA testing, crypto-analysis products, penetration-testing tools, information technology products with deep packet inspection functions, and automatic license-plate readers). Technology might be caught by the Guidance regardless of the Exporter’s intended use for their products.

Key Takeaways from the draft Guidance

The Guidance is organised under eight broad considerations for Exporters before, during and after an export transaction and can be summarised as follows:

Consider the Item

  1. In general, tailor the [Item] to minimise the likelihood that it will be misused to commit human rights violations or abuses.
  2. Review the capabilities of the [Item] to determine the potential for misuse by government end users and private end-users that have a close relationship with a foreign government.

Before a transaction, Exporters should consider what the Item is capable of, and how it could be used or misused by authorities. Exporters might consider integrating safety and ‘privacy by design’ features that enable them to track the Item’s deployment and alert them to misuse, strip certain capabilities from the Item, auto-delete data and even provide a kill-switch.

Conduct Third Party Due Diligence

  1. Review the human rights record of the government agency end-user of the country intended to receive the [Item].
  2. Review whether the government end-user’s laws, regulations, and practices that implicate [Item] are consistent with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
  3. Review stakeholder entities involved in the transaction, including end-user and intermediaries such as distributors and resellers.

Exporters should review credible reports of the human rights records of end-users, and reach out to stakeholders such as NGOs for first-hand knowledge of the country and the deployment of technology. The Guidance lists a number of potential “Red Flags” for Exporters. Besides obvious reports of human rights violations, the Guidance suggests that evidence of political turmoil, a non-independent judiciary, or laws and government practices which “unduly restrict civic space” should raise alarm. The Guidance also suggest that Exporters should investigate whether their buyers might subsequently export the Item to other countries where there is a potential for human rights abuse.

Mitigate risk of misuse

  1. Strive to mitigate human rights risks through contractual and procedural safeguards, and strong grievance mechanisms.
  2. After export, strive to mitigate human rights risks through contractual and procedural safeguards, and strong grievance mechanisms.

The Guidance also addresses business responsibility with respect to “downstream” human rights risks potentially linked to their Items and suggests that the Exporter’s responsibility does not end once an Item has been shipped. Exporters should consider contractual and procedural human rights safeguards (e.g. sales contracts could enshrine an Exporter’s right to impose limitations on the use of Items, and to unilaterally terminate the contract, deny software updates, and even remotely disable Items if the technology is misused). Exporters should commit to ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the use of their Items. Grievance mechanisms should be secure, accessible and responsive communication channels for reporting of possible misuse of Items.

Report in Public

  1. Publicly report on the transaction.

Finally, Exporters are expected to assume public accountability for compliance with the Guidance and should publish an annual report on the human rights due diligence they have undertaken, and how any credible complaints about misuse of their Items were resolved.

This guidance is part of a myriad of national and international regulation and guidance surrounding business obligations to conduct human rights due diligence on their global supply chains and operations. See here for our recent update on further regulatory developments in the field of business and human rights.


Photo of Hannah Edmonds-Camara Hannah Edmonds-Camara

Hannah Edmonds-Camara advises on a range of both international and domestic employment issues including drafting and implementation of policies and compliance programmes, international employment aspects of global transactions and contentious employment matters.

She also has particular expertise in helping businesses navigate the evolving global…

Hannah Edmonds-Camara advises on a range of both international and domestic employment issues including drafting and implementation of policies and compliance programmes, international employment aspects of global transactions and contentious employment matters.

She also has particular expertise in helping businesses navigate the evolving global regulatory and best practice landscape surrounding the corporate responsibility to respect human rights. Her experience includes advising on: the development and implementation of global human rights due diligence and ethical sourcing compliance programmes, including in response to pressure from NGOs, investors and regulators; human rights due diligence in an M&A context; global risk assessments; transparency and reporting requirements; design of project-specific human rights frameworks and stakeholder engagement strategies; assessment of downstream human rights risk; and conflict minerals compliance.

Hannah gained valuable experience while on secondment to a large pharmaceutical client. She is a member of the firm’s Diversity Committee, Public Service (pro bono) Committee, and Africa Initiative.

Photo of Seán Finan Seán Finan

Seán Finan is an associate in the Life Sciences team. His practice covers environmental, food and beverage and pharmaceutical regulation.

Seán has specific experience in a number of key areas for EU and UK clients in the technology, food and beverage, pharmaceutical, cosmetic…

Seán Finan is an associate in the Life Sciences team. His practice covers environmental, food and beverage and pharmaceutical regulation.

Seán has specific experience in a number of key areas for EU and UK clients in the technology, food and beverage, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and consumer goods industries, including:

  • Environmental and ESG compliance issues, including CSRD, CSDDD and green taxonomy issues; green public procurement issues; extended producer responsibility obligations, etc.;
  • Advertising claims, particularly environmental claims and greenwashing;
  • General food regulation; novel food regulation; genetically modified and “precision bred” products; and
  • Chemicals legislation (REACH, CLP, biocides, etc.).

Seán has represented clients in judicial review actions involving novel foods against multiple national regulators.

Seán is qualified in both England & Wales, and the Republic of Ireland.

Seán is a co lead of the firm’s Disability and Mental Health affinity group.

Photo of Peter Lichtenbaum Peter Lichtenbaum

Peter Lichtenbaum advises clients on a broad array of international regulatory compliance and trade matters, including export controls, economic sanctions, national security reviews of foreign investments, anti-corruption laws, market access, and international trade disputes. He has specialized experience in the aerospace and defense…

Peter Lichtenbaum advises clients on a broad array of international regulatory compliance and trade matters, including export controls, economic sanctions, national security reviews of foreign investments, anti-corruption laws, market access, and international trade disputes. He has specialized experience in the aerospace and defense industries.

Peter is ranked in Band 1 for Export Controls & Sanctions in Chambers USA (2019), which reports that he is “one of those rare lawyers who thinks through all the options moving forward.” Chambers describes him as a “go-to lawyer for those with export controls and sanctions issues.”

Peter has recently helped several companies establish, review or enhance their compliance programs. He is advising major technology companies regarding the impact of recent and ongoing export control developments on their businesses. He has worked with many leading aerospace and defense companies on internal investigations and disclosures related to trade controls and China. He also advises many of these companies on export control reform and defense trade policy issues, including international agreements on the regulation of defense trade. He has extensive experience with the trade controls issues that arise in the U.S. system for national security review of foreign investment, helping companies to identify issues and mitigate government concerns.

Peter served as Vice President for Regulatory Compliance and International Policy at BAE Systems, Inc., the U.S. subsidiary of one of the world’s largest defense contractors. He was responsible for a broad array of regulatory compliance and policy issues. He participated in BAE Systems’ development of innovative standards of internal governance in order for the company to be recognized as a global leader in ethical business conduct.

Previously, Peter held senior positions in the Department of Commerce, one of three key agencies responsible for administering U.S. trade controls. From October 2003 through February 2006, he served as the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export Administration, responsible for developing BIS policies regarding export controls imposed for national security, foreign policy, nonproliferation, and other reasons. Peter chaired the inter-agency Advisory Committee on Export Policy, and managed BIS’s participation in multilateral export control regimes. He represented the Department of Commerce in many sensitive matters reviewed by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS). Peter served for several months as Acting Under Secretary of Commerce for Industry and Security and as Acting Deputy Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade.