In view of the coronavirus crisis, employers are faced with numerous questions of employment law, ranging from the question of compulsory employment and possible release of employees in the event of illness or closure of the business, through remuneration issues in the event of a lack of childcare, to the currently extended options for receiving short-time work allowance in the event of absence of work. We prepared an alert describing the most important answers to these questions.  An English version is available here.

Arbeitgeber stehen angesichts der Coronaviruskrise vor zahlreichen arbeitsrechtlichen Fragestellungen, die von der Frage der Beschäftigungspflicht und möglichen Freistellungen von Arbeitnehmern im Krankheitsfall oder bei Schließung des Betriebes über Vergütungsfragen bei fehlender Kinderbetreuung bis hin zu den aktuell erweiterten Möglichkeiten zum Bezug von Kurzarbeitergeld bei Arbeitsausfall reichen. Nachfolgend sind die wichtigsten Antworten auf diese Fragen zusammengestellt.

Photo of Walter Born Walter Born

Walter Born is a partner in the Frankfurt office.
He advises clients on a variety of legal and business issues, with an emphasis on restructuring measures and the negotiation of reconciliation of interests and social plans, outsourcing transactions and German TUPE provisions, employee…

Walter Born is a partner in the Frankfurt office.
He advises clients on a variety of legal and business issues, with an emphasis on restructuring measures and the negotiation of reconciliation of interests and social plans, outsourcing transactions and German TUPE provisions, employee data protection, dismissals (mass lay-offs) and related litigation, internal investigations, employee benefits and ERISA litigation. Walter counsels clients on employment advice, including drafting employment, managing directors’ and board members’ contracts and settlement agreements. He also has experience advising on collective labor law matters, and counsels on immigration matters, social security law, enforceability of post-contractual non-compete covenants and many other related matters.