Late last week, the Supreme Court indicated that it intends to review a challenge by Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) to federal limits on the use of post-election contributions to repay pre-election loans that candidates make to their own campaigns.  This follows an earlier three-judge district court decision that struck down those limits as unconstitutional under the First Amendment.  Although the question presented in Federal Election Commission v. Ted Cruz for Senate relates most directly to the relatively obscure rules governing the repayment of candidate loans, the case represents a continuation of the steady shift in the courts towards a less restrictive federal campaign finance system.

For decades, courts considering constitutional challenges to federal campaign finance regulations have weighed the government’s interest in preventing actual or perceived corruption against individual speech rights protected by the First Amendment.  Most famously, in Buckley v. Valeo, the Supreme Court upheld federal contribution limits as a means of preventing even the appearance of quid pro quo corruption while at the same time striking down campaign expenditure limits that the Court found did little to prevent actual or perceived political corruption.  Since Buckley, this emphasis on the degree to which a challenged regulation serves as an effective check on actual or perceived corruption has been a central feature of federal campaign finance law.

Though never explicitly retreating from this basic proposition, in recent years the Supreme Court has taken an increasingly cramped view of what actually constitutes political corruption.  For instance, the Supreme Court has rejected as insufficiently compelling the prevention of “generic favoritism or influence” (McConnell v. FEC) or merely seeking “influence over or access to” elected officials (Citizens United v. FEC).  Most recently, in McCutcheon v. FEC, the Court struck down aggregate individual contribution limits on the grounds that those limits did “little, if anything,” to address explicit quid pro quo corruption.  Cruz may be the latest example of this trend.

Indeed, a close reading of the earlier district court decision suggests that the case may have significant implications well beyond the loan-repayment rules themselves.  Most notably, the district court imposed a remarkably high factual burden in considering whether the loan-repayment rules serve to prevent demonstrable corruption.  The “appearance” of corruption, in either the form of how the public perceived these payments, or what donors expected, carried nearly no weight in the analysis.  Instead, it was actual corruption the government needed to show.  In striking down the rules, the court noted that the government did “not identif[y] a single case of actual quid pro quo corruption” in the context of the loan‑repayment limit, which the court contrasted with prior cases in which the government put forward evidence of an anti-corruptive effect through witness testimony and detailed factual findings.  According to the court, even “[a] lengthy record may not be sufficient to demonstrate corruption, but the absence of any record of such corruption undermines the government’s proffered interest.”

While the fate of the loan-repayment rules may be of little interest to those not currently running for office, the Court’s consideration of these little-noticed rules may offer important insights into the future of campaign finance regulation more broadly.  If the Supreme Court affirms the district court’s approach, rules that currently may have a weaker connection to threats of “actual corruption”—for example, spousal contribution limits and the remaining restrictions on independent corporate political activities (facilitation of contributions, communications to all employees, etc.)—may be the next to face a challenge.

In the meantime, if the district court decision stands, we would expect all future candidates to cease “contributing” to their campaigns and recast those payments as loans, with a suitable rate of interest.  Striking down the limits on post-election contributions to repay loans may also incentivize candidates who believe they can win to boost late-race self-funding.  This change could also mean that incumbent officeholders with such loans on the books will be more attentive to the fundraising needed to ensure that the loans are repaid.

This post was written with research assistance from Summer Associate Jacob Lichtenstein.

Photo of Peter Koski Peter Koski

Drawing on his experience as a senior DOJ official and leading international anti-corruption practitioner, Peter Koski represents companies and individuals in sensitive, high-stakes government and regulatory enforcement matters and internal investigations.

Peter has a depth of experience investigating, bringing to trial, and handling…

Drawing on his experience as a senior DOJ official and leading international anti-corruption practitioner, Peter Koski represents companies and individuals in sensitive, high-stakes government and regulatory enforcement matters and internal investigations.

Peter has a depth of experience investigating, bringing to trial, and handling on appeal complex white collar matters involving the public and private sectors. He has handled an array of matters relating to foreign and domestic corruption, business and human rights, supply chain sourcing, cyber security, and violations of the federal laws governing elected and appointed officials. He has particular experience defending clients against alleged violations of the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (TVPRA), the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDCA), and the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA), as well as conspiracy, honest services fraud, bribery, gratuities, money laundering, obstruction of justice, and conflicts of interest.

Prior to joining the firm, Peter served as Deputy Chief of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Public Integrity Section, where he helped manage a team of over 30 attorneys responsible for investigating and prosecuting corruption across the country. In this capacity, he also argued complex constitutional issues before the federal courts of appeal. In over a decade of service in the Justice Department, Peter partnered with numerous U.S. Attorney’s Offices and worked closely with senior officials at over 25 federal agencies. Peter has tried over two dozen bench and jury trials, appeared in court in over a dozen districts across the country, and has handled corruption matters on five continents.

While in the U.S. Government and at Covington, Peter has worked closely with multilateral organizations, such as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). His previous experience with the OECD included serving as the U.S. representative on the Anti-Corruption Network Law Enforcement Advisory Board and the Advisory Group for the Anti-Corruption Network for Eastern Europe and Central Asia Thematic Review on Criminalization of Corruption.

Relying on this experience, Peter works with clients to develop effective due diligence programs related to sourcing and supply chains. He also analyzes the impact of regulator activity in this space, and develops strategies for engaging directly with regulators and NGOs. In this capacity, he helps companies assess the impact of Withhold Release Orders and counsels clients on the statutory regimes related to human rights and global supply chain issues.

Photo of Robert Lenhard Robert Lenhard

Robert Lenhard has helped guide decision makers in corporations, trade associations, and advocacy groups on complying with the laws regulating political activity for over 20 years. As a senior member of the firm’s Election and Political Law Practice Group, he provides compliance advice…

Robert Lenhard has helped guide decision makers in corporations, trade associations, and advocacy groups on complying with the laws regulating political activity for over 20 years. As a senior member of the firm’s Election and Political Law Practice Group, he provides compliance advice relating to federal and state campaign finance, lobbying, pay-to-play, and government ethics laws. As an advocate, counselor, and regulator, Mr. Lenhard brings a depth of experience on matters that involve legal as well as political risk.

Bob led Covington’s representation of the Biden for President campaign, the Super PAC supporting President Obama’s re-election, as well as several prominent professional sports leagues, pharmaceutical manufacturers, technology companies, advocacy groups, and trade associations.

Prior to joining the firm in 2008, Mr. Lenhard served as Chairman of the Federal Election Commission (FEC) in 2007 and Vice Chairman of the agency in 2006, during which time the agency handled over 10 major rulemakings, had among its most productive years in enforcement and audit, and adopted several reforms to the enforcement process. Mr. Lenhard also led the Presidential Transition Team that reviewed the FEC for the incoming Obama administration in 2008-2009.

Mr. Lenhard is frequently quoted in the press, has lectured at major law schools, and Before his service to the FEC, Mr. Lenhard provided legal advice to labor organizations active in the political process at the federal, state, and local levels. Mr. Lenhard also was involved in litigation in the Florida trial and appellate courts over the counting of absentee ballots in Seminole County, Florida in 2000.

Robert Lenhard is a member of the firm’s Election and Political Law Practice Group and advises corporations, trade associations, not-for-profit organizations, and high-net-worth individuals on compliance with federal and state campaign finance, lobbying, and government ethics laws.

Mr. Lenhard routinely assists clients in establishing and operating federal and state PACs, compliance programs associated with campaign finance and pay-to-play laws; advises advocacy groups and their donors; conducts compliance trainings and audits of federal and state lobbying and political programs; and counsels clients on compliance with congressional gift and travel rules. According to Chambers, sources report: “He is strategic and always sees the big picture. He is a great person who provides excellent non-legal counsel as well.”

Photo of Derek Lawlor Derek Lawlor

Derek Lawlor is of counsel in the firm’s Election and Political Law Practice Group. Derek advises corporations, nonprofit organizations, and trade associations on compliance with federal and state lobbying, campaign finance, and government ethics laws.

Clients regularly rely on Derek to assist with…

Derek Lawlor is of counsel in the firm’s Election and Political Law Practice Group. Derek advises corporations, nonprofit organizations, and trade associations on compliance with federal and state lobbying, campaign finance, and government ethics laws.

Clients regularly rely on Derek to assist with their complex questions related to activities and projects that implicate all of these laws. Derek advises federal and state candidates and super PACs on campaign finance and disclosure issues. Derek also represents clients in government investigations and inquiries conducted by the Federal Election Commission, Office of Congressional Ethics, and Congressional Committees and Commissions.

Derek’s representation of clients covers the full range of important political law issues that they face, including:

  • Advising clients on their registration and reporting obligations under the federal Lobbying Disclosure Act, as well as state and local lobbying laws, including helping client organizations evaluate the core questions that arise in this space:
    • Has the organization or any of its employees triggered lobbying registration requirements?
    • What lobbying income, expenditures, issues, or contacts need to be disclosed on lobbying reports?
    • Does procurement or sales activity directed at governmental entities trigger lobbying registration in a particular jurisdiction?
    • What are the best practices for designing a lobbying compliance program?
  • Assisting corporations and trade associations with the establishment and operation of connected PACs, which frequently entails evaluating the following questions:
    • What steps does the organization need to take to start up and register a connected PAC?
    • What are the ongoing reporting requirements under the Federal Election Campaign Act (“FECA”) or state campaign finance laws?
    • Which employees can the organization solicit and what are the rules on conducting a solicitation campaign?
    • What are the limits on making contributions to federal, state, or local candidates, party committees, or other political committees?
    • What are the best practices for designing a PAC compliance program?
  • Evaluating whether a client’s proposed activities might trigger registration under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (“FARA”), and if so, advising on registration and ongoing reporting obligations;
  • Advising federal and state candidates, super PACs, and other political committees on compliance with FECA, FEC regulations and reporting requirements, state campaign finance laws, rules on disclaimers placed on communications, and other political law compliance topics;
  • Counseling individuals who are entering government service, including Senate-confirmed positions, on the various financial disclosure requirements, conflicts of interest considerations, and other ethics law issues they may face;
  • Helping clients establish politically active or policy-focused nonprofit organizations, and proving ongoing support related to tax and political law issues that might arise from their activities; and
  • Advising corporations, nonprofits, and individuals on their proposed donations to candidates, political committees, and other politically active outside groups.

Derek is a Professorial Lecturer in Law at the George Washington University Law School.

Prior to receiving his law degree, Derek worked in the Office of General Counsel at the U.S. House of Representatives.

Photo of Perrin Cooke Perrin Cooke

Perrin Cooke is special counsel in the firm’s Washington, DC office and a member of the White Collar Defense and Investigations, Election and Political Law, and Public Policy Practice Groups, with a focus on assisting clients responding to high-profile congressional investigations.

Drawing on…

Perrin Cooke is special counsel in the firm’s Washington, DC office and a member of the White Collar Defense and Investigations, Election and Political Law, and Public Policy Practice Groups, with a focus on assisting clients responding to high-profile congressional investigations.

Drawing on his experience in government, Perrin advises clients on matters presenting significant legal, political, and reputational risks. As a senior lawyer in the Biden Administration, Perrin served as the lead counsel on oversight matters across two cabinet agencies. Among other high-profile matters, he guided the development of strategic responses to congressional requests and subpoenas touching on a range of topics. Through his work in both government and private practice, Perrin has extensive experience preparing witnesses appearing in briefings, transcribed interviews, and hearings before congressional oversight committees.

In addition to his investigations practice, Perrin advises clients – including political campaigns, advocacy organizations, trade associations, and corporations – on a wide variety of election and political law compliance matters.