Covington Digital Health

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FDA recently announced that it will host a public workshop on August 6, 2024 focused on “Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug & Biological Product Development.”  Aimed at bringing drug sponsors and AI experts together, the workshop, hosted in collaboration with the Clinical Trials Transformation Initiative, will feature presentations and a panel discussion around guiding principles

In early March 2024, the EU lawmakers reached agreement on the European Health Data Space (EHDS).  For now, we only have a work-in-progress draft version of the text, but a number of interesting points can already be highlighted. This article focuses on the implications for “wellness applications” and medical devices; for an overview of the EHDS

On March 15, 2024, FDA’s medical product centers – CBER, CDER, and CDRH – along with the Office of Combination Products (OCP) published a paper outlining their key areas of focus for the development and use of artificial intelligence (AI) across the medical product life cycle.  The paper, entitled “Artificial Intelligence & Medical Products:

On September 27, 2023, Governor Newsom signed AB 254 and AB 352, which both amend the California Confidentiality of Medical Information Act (“CMIA”).  Specifically, AB 254 expands the scope of the CMIA to expressly cover reproductive or sexual health services that are delivered through digital health solutions and the associated health information generated from

On September 6, Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA), the Ranking Member of the U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, issued a white paper about the oversight and legislative role of Congress related to the deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) in areas under the HELP Committee’s jurisdiction, including health and life sciences.  In the

On Thursday, July 13, 2023, the Centers for Medicaid & Medicaid Services (CMS) released the Calendar Year (CY) 2024 Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) Proposed Rule (CY 2024 PFS Proposed Rule), which proposes policy changes to the PFS and other Medicare Part B issues, effective on or after January 1, 2024.  As explained in our article,

Last week, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (“FDA” or the “Agency”) issued a second discussion paper on the use of artificial intelligence (“AI”) and machine learning (“ML”) with respect to drug and biological products, this time focusing on the use of AI/ML in the drug and biologic development process, “Using Artificial Intelligence &

On March 15, 2023, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA or the Agency) issued a draft guidance entitled Electronic Systems, Electronic Records, and Electronic Signatures in Clinical Investigations: Questions and Answers (2023 Draft Guidance). The 2023 Draft Guidance revises the draft guidance for industry the Agency issued in June 2017 entitled Use of Electronic

On March 23, 2023, FDA released a Framework for the use of digital health technologies in drug and biological product development (the “DHT Framework”).  This DHT Framework is on the heels of a Discussion Paper the Agency released earlier this month on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in drug manufacturing to seek public input