
On this World Mental Health Day, Covington is reflecting on the profound impact that life-changing illnesses can have on mental health. These challenges not only affect individuals physically but also emotionally, making it crucial to prioritize mental wellbeing, especially in the workplace.

At Covington, we recognize the importance of mental health for all our community

Whistleblowing is a term that is not used uniformly. The understanding of the terms and the legal frameworks for dealing with whistleblowers vary internationally. In Germany, the Whistleblower Protection Act (the “Act”), transposing the EU Whistleblower Directive (the “Directive”), has now fully entered into force. The following FAQs explain the key rules that international HR

China’s State Administration for Market Regulation (“SAMR”) is seeking public comment on its proposed amendment to the country’s Food Safety Law.  The amendment is intended to include ready-to-drink liquid infant formula in the current regulatory regime for powder infant formula, as part of the implementation of the “Four Strictest” principles for food safety (i.e., the most stringent

Today is World Mental Health Day. This year’s theme is that mental health is a universal human right. We recognize that this is so. It is vital to our overall health and well-being to recognize mental health needs and access care. Doing so enhances our community, and is consistent with Covington’s long-standing practice of protecting

Dauerbrenner Arbeitszeit

Nach dem Europäischen Gerichtshof (EuGH) hatte sich im September diesen Jahres auch das Bundesarbeitsgericht (BAG) zur Arbeitszeiterfassung geäußert. Nachdem zunächst nur eine Pressemitteilung des BAG veröffentlicht wurde,  liegt nun auch der Beschluss im Volltext vor. Was vordergründig als Erfolg für die Arbeitgeber erschien (die Anträge des Betriebsrats hat das BAG zurückgewiesen), erweist sich